After several years planning and public consultation, the application for our new ‘Village Hall’ was finally agreed and submitted to Wiltshire Council (PL/2023/00354) on 16 Jan 2023.The Planners consultation deadline was 25 Oct 2023. The six statuary organisations (Public Protection, Highways, Wessex Water, Ecology, Archaeology & CM Parish Council) raised no objections though a couple voiced 'conditions'. There were only 5 comments from residents - 1 in favour, 2 in favour stipulating conditions with 2 against.
The date for a decision on our planning application was originally 31 Jan 2024; however, pressure of work has meant the ‘Planners’ have now pushed this back to 29 Feb 2024.
Assuming that planning permission is granted - what does this mean? Planning is valid for 3 years; so, the building must be started before the expiry day. Once planning is granted, we will enter a two year period of applying for grant aid and fundraising …. So, with any luck we should all be enjoying a brand spanking new, eco-friendly, Village Hall by 2027!