The Future
We have consulted widely with the Parish Council, village hall user groups and the whole community. We have used many ways to seek the community's ideas, opinions, and support. The responses received have shaped the location, requirement, design, and proposed facilities.
We have consulted the village through open public meetings, articles published in the monthly 'Parish News', notices/posters displayed on the three village notice boards and leaflet drops, including questionnaires, delivered to every house. We have embraced the use of email, the internet and social media to keep the village informed.
In December 2016, the nine 'user groups', representing a large proportion of villagers, were consulted, and asked to score a list of new build requirements, and add any additional ones they would wish to see. 50 individual requirements were identified - the committee then determined which were 'MUSTs' (To be included in the design) and which were 'WANTS' (These would be costed, and the committee would decide if they should be incorporated based on budget and importance). These were then used to determine the hall design that we now have.
A questionnaire was distributed to all householders to determine village support for the project and purchase of additional land. Finally, after a questionnaire, delivered via the Parish News and two open Meetings in February 2022 the village confirmed the decision to build the New Village Hall on the current site endorsing the site and building plans, design, and materials to be used.